20 hours to Learn A new Skill, business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, Farmer's Market, working from home

Craft Event Check List

Getting Ready for a craft show can get hairy if not organized…but it doesn’t have to be that way.

To avoid chaos, minimize mental injury, prevent emotional damage, save time, money, and energy in preparing for a craft event, I created a simple craft event check list to maximize personal efficiency and honestly having a piece of paper to check off items gave me some piece of mind that I was on track and maintained focus and also lowkey satisfying!

Otherwise, if not for a checklist, anything shiny or new in my view would send my brain squrielling way left field or down random unknown rabbit holes on other things. Tasks that I had originally set for myself would be considered lost, gone forever, or simply incomplete.

A simple checklist was a helpful aid in keeping me on track during the farmer’s market last year. Recently, I tweaked this checklist to better serve other crafters where they can enter their own equipment, inventory and add notes.

This checklist is a free, downloadable PDF file that I sent out into the universe to share with everyone! If you use this check list, let me know how it worked out for you.

Sending good vibes your way!

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