business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Farmer's Market, working from home, youtube

Here are 5 Good Reasons Why Sidewalk Chalkboards Are Game Changers For Small Businesses

1: Economical and Practical.

A sidewalk chalkboard is a one-time investment that will pay for itself over and over for years to come. A chalkboard only requires chalk and some creativity to fashion a compelling message to draw attention.

2: Update Content as needed.

Business Owners can change or update customers with new information as needed such as discounts, promotions, events, and daily specials.

3. Fun and Creative Way to Connect With Customers.

A chalkboard is an empty canvas just waiting for humorous sayings, hand-drawn artwork, and special holiday messages. It is a great way for a business to connect with customers on a personal level.

4. Increased Foot Traffic

If placed in a good spot, a chalkboard acts as an unpaid salesman! It will attract customers’ attention and act as oversized invitation to step inside, look around and spend money!!!!!!

5.  Social Media

A very ingeniously designed chalkboard could potentially gain internet popularity – which means FREE publicity for your business!!!!

Customers love to share unique and interesting finds to their followers on various social media platforms

Here is the chalkboard that I purchased. I recently used my sidewalk chalkboard for a pop-up event that I participated in April. You can see my chalkboard very quickly in this youtube shorts!

I, also did an unboxing of this product prior to my pop-up. See below

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