business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, family, ribbon lei, working from home, working on a new ribbon lei

Getting Ready for 2024 Graduation Weekly Update 3

Hafa Adai Familia,

This is week 3 (see chart below) of Getting Ready for Graduation Season . It has been a crazy week for me with a bunch of detours and changes to our daily routine! My little one unexpectedly fell ill on Tuesday while at school. Her health, immediately took precedence and priority above work and everything else!

I did manage to braid 3 ribbon leis whenever I could find some down time – and there was not much of that to spare, especially with a sick baby. With the little one feeling better and fever free, my goal for this week is to push more leis out to bring my numbers up.

SchoolSchool ColorsWeek 1Week 2Week 3
ARed / Black870
BGold / Black412
CGreen / White031

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