business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, family, working from home

Do You Know the Muffin Man? Christmas Gingerbread Headband

Hafa Adai Familia I worked on this quick Gingerbread headband for my little one. Grabbed a few Christmas ornaments at Walmart this evening, and hot glue gun then got to work! Here is the final look!

business start up, Crafting at Home, family, farmers market, Uncategorized, working from home

Money Crown Sample

Hafa Adai Familia, It's been a hot Texas Minute since I posted anything. For a few weeks, I had to step away. Its been a very rough couple weeks, dealing with seasonal cold and flu ick! Right now, I am playing catch up with everything since returning back to work this week. Unsure where to… Continue reading Money Crown Sample

business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, family, ribbon lei, working from home, working on a new ribbon lei, working on a new ribbon lei

Day of the Dead, Part 3

Hafa Adai Familia, I am still making Day of the Dead Crowns! This crown was made differently, using butterflies! Sending good vibes your way! g

business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, family, ribbon lei, working from home, working on a new ribbon lei

Getting Ready for 2024 Graduation Weekly Update 3

Hafa Adai Familia, This is week 3 (see chart below) of Getting Ready for Graduation Season . It has been a crazy week for me with a bunch of detours and changes to our daily routine! My little one unexpectedly fell ill on Tuesday while at school. Her health, immediately took precedence and priority above… Continue reading Getting Ready for 2024 Graduation Weekly Update 3

business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, Crafting at Home, eBay seller, family, working from home

Warrior Lei – Completed!

Hafa Adai and Good Evening Friends, I finally completed the warrior lei that I initially started some days ago! I stopped work to help mama make graduation leis. It was really fun to do that with her! Colors used to make this warrior lei was chosen at random, off white, brown and teal. I am… Continue reading Warrior Lei – Completed!

business start up, Business Start Up / Working from Home, eBay seller, family, ribbon lei, working from home, working on a new ribbon lei

A Lei for My Nephew

Hafa Adai Friends! I hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend!!!! For now, I am setting aside my warrior lei project to focus on my nephew's graduation lei - he is graduating this May! We are all so very proud of him! This is what I have so far, had to stop because my… Continue reading A Lei for My Nephew

family, mental health, pregnancy

Most fun way to exercise!

Dancing...., twisting, twirling, popping, locking, spinning! Dancing is like a happy place where we loose all sense of time, and effortlessly move our bodies to the sound of music...and it hardly feels like exercise, especially when we are having fun! It is always the day after - the body aches and soreness makes it feel… Continue reading Most fun way to exercise!